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Adam Cuppy
Ahmed Omran
Alan Ridlehoover
Amit Zur
Andrew Mason
Andrew Nesbitt
Andy Andrea
Andy Croll
Arjun Sharda
Asia Hoe
Avdi Grimm
Ben Greenberg
Bhavani Ravi
Brandon Carlson
Brittany Martin
Caleb Thompson
Caren Chang
Chiu-Ki Chan
Christine Seeman
Claudio Baccigalupo
Cody Norman
Devon Estes
Eileen Uchitelle
Emily Giurleo
Emily Samp
Enrico Grillo
Espartaco Palma
Fito von Zastrow
Frances Coronel
Hilary Stohs-Krause
Jalem Raj Rohit
Jemma Issroff
Jenny Shih
Jim Remsik
Joel Chippindale
Justin Searls
Katrina Owen
Kevin Murphy
Kudakwashe Paradzayi
Kylie Stradley
Maeve Revels
Maryann Bell
Matt Bee
Mayra Lucia Navarro
Molly Struve
Nadia Odunayo
Nickolas Means
Noah Gibbs
Olivier Lacan
Ramón Huidobro
Richard Schneeman
Rizky Ariestiyansyah
Saron Yitbarek
Sean Moran-Richards
Shem Magnezi
Srushith Repakula
Stefanni Brasil
Stephanie Minn
Sweta Sanghavi
Syed Faraaz Ahmad
Tekin Suleyman
Thomas Carr
Tom Stuart
Ufuk Kayserilioglu
Valentino Stoll
Victoria Gonda
Vladimir Dementyev
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Most of our application had this same assumption: It's kind a good enough, it should be fine for know. After all it's a Rails application, so the framework will take it over later. Then, the product grow, the users grow, the processing power increase normal and everything is fine until one day it doesn't. This is the story on how a mature application had our complete engineering team busy for days for an issue that technically will never happen, or when it happen we will are having better problems like millions of concurrent users, but we were not even close to dozens of thousands. In the code base nothing has been change, the database had no big loads, but our users had a persistent slowness, the reports where about the highest ever? Why? What is happening? We solved once adding more computers, but we think we can't afford it anymore.
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