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## Category Education ## Objectives - Design and Implementing Education Technology and Blended Learning - Extending EdTech with Python - Data Mining in Blended Learning ## Abstract I've been doing research in edtech and blended learning for two years and find out python is great super power in this area, in this talk I want to share how to design and implementing blended learning and how we can use python for data mining. Educational Technology is growing and going to disrupt online business nowadays. To be effective, educational technologies must be designed based on what we know about how people learn and of course development under open source umbrella will be more effective. Through this session, participants will learn the problem and concept how to design and develop the blended learning technology by using open source technologies, the idea of collaborative learning and active learning. In the last decades, the power of data mining and analytics has transformed instruction in blended learning. Increasingly, large-scale data is available on student learning and interaction online. Much of this data represents student behavior. This has allowed researchers to model and track many elements of student learning that were not previously feasible at scale: engagement, affect, collaborative skill, and robust learning. In turn, these models can be used in prediction of long-term student outcomes, and to analyze the factors driving long-term success of students, I will share how we use python as the super power in this field.
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